- Python 特色
- Python 2.x VS. Python 3.x
- Object
- Data Type
numeric types -- int, float, complex
sequence types -- list, tuple, range, string
set types -- set, frozenset
dictionary type -- dict
- Boolean
- Control Flow Tools
- 字串處理
- 字串函數處理與格式化
- Function
- Built-in Functions
- Yield產生器
- Class
- 封裝 (encapsulation)
- 繼承 (inheritance)
- 多型 (polymorphism)
- Exception Handling
- raise
- print()
- open()
- read()
- readline()
- readlines()
- Module
- Standard Library
- 網頁抓取與解析
- Python_pandas
- Introduce to Data Structures
- Python_numpy
- Numpy for Matlab users
- numpy.ndarray.shape
- numpy.unique
- numpy.meshgrid
- numpy.ravel
- numpy.cov
- numpy.linalg (Linear algebra)
- matplotlib
- matplotlib.color
- matplotlib.imshow vs cv2.imshow
- Regular expression operations
- .py to exe
- Pyinstaller
- Python_GUI
- Python_Tkinter
- Python_OpenCV
- Python_Python_scikit_learn
- threading — Thread-based parallelism
- Coding Style
- conda install vs pip install
- set virtual environment for jupyter lab